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通过合理但不成功的努力寻找失踪的客户或前客户, 澳博app应该假定失踪客户的信托账户上的钱被遗弃了, D.C.根据美国《澳博app》的规定,必须按照该法规的指示处置该财产.


  • 1.6(信息保密)
  • 1.14(容量减少的客户端)
  • 1.15(物业保管)


D.C. 酒吧’s 法律道德 Helpline regularly receives calls from lawyers seeking to learn what they can 和 should do with client trust account monies when the client’s whereabouts are unknown. 经常, 这位澳博app即将退休, 他或她的公司即将倒闭, 或者他/她想要结清未结清的信托账户, 但无法定位客户端.


调查提出的问题与D.C. 职业行为准则.15和D.C. 无人认领物权法.

D.C. 规则1.15

A central tenet in legal ethics is that a lawyer must safeguard property of clients 和 third parties that is in the lawyer’s possession as a result of a representation. D.C. 规则1.15(a)明确要求澳博app持有客户(或第三人)的财产。, 包括无形财产, 与澳博app的自有资金分开, 在信托账户中, 评论[1]指出,澳博app在管理客户资金时应行使“专业受托人”的谨慎态度. 规则1.15(c) requires that when a lawyer receives funds in which a client or third party has an interest the lawyer must promptly 1) notify the client or third party; 和 2) deliver to the client or third person any funds or other property that the client or third person is entitled to receive except as stated in this Rule or otherwise permitted by law or by agreement with the client. 规则1.15是沉默的, 然而, 在澳博app找不到客户时需要做什么或允许做什么的具体问题上, 但却拥有属于失踪客户的信托基金.1

D.C. 无人认领物权法

委员会不就《澳博app》以外的法律问题发表意见, 我们阐述了我们对D的理解.C. 《澳博app下载网》,目的是分析D.C. 职业行为准则. 《澳博app》第103(a)条规定:

所有无形个人财产 . . . ,包括任何收入 . . . , that is held or owing in the ordinary course of the holder’s business 和 has remained unclaimed by the owner for more than 3 years after it became 支付able or distributable is presumed ab和oned.2

The Act by its terms applies to intangible personal property owned by individuals whose last known address is in the 哥伦比亚特区 or where the holder is domiciled3 在本区.4

该法第41-117条规定:“持有资金或其他财产的人 . . . 根据本章推定放弃的财产应向市长报告有关财产的情况 . . . .”5 该法进一步规定,“被推定遗弃的财产的持有人应向财产所有人发出书面通知, 在提交报告前不超过120天或少于60天, 声明持票人占有本章规定的财产.”6 第41-119条要求被遗弃财产的持有人在提交第41-117条要求的报告时将该财产转让给市长. 资金转移后,D.C. 代码证交会. 41-132 m和ates that the lawyer is obliged to maintain “a record of the name 和 address of the owner for 10 years after the date the property may have become reportable.“该法案没有对澳博app的豁免.

应用规则1.第15条和《澳博app》对本次调查的影响, this Committee concludes that a lawyer must make reasonable efforts to locate a missing client whose last known address is 在本区 or where the lawyer’s principal place of business is 在本区 to return that client’s trust account monies. 寻找失踪客户的合理努力可能包括使用可用的互联网技术和在线目录, 向客户最后已知的地址发送一封要求回执的保证书信, 联系朋友或亲戚, 或在业主最后为人所知的地址附近的普通流通报纸上张贴告示.

根据规则1.此类努力应在款项到期后立即进行. 规则1.15(c) states “a lawyer shall promptly deliver to the client or third person any funds or other property that the client or third person is entitled to receive.“通常, 在代理结束时,客户未使用的用于支付法律费用和成本的信托资金应支付给客户.7 从第三方收到的和解款项通常在澳博app收到时应支付给客户. 因此,澳博app可能已经试图找到委托人. 在向市长报告财产被遗弃并将财产交给市长保管之前, 然而, 澳博app应重新努力寻找委托人并将财产交给委托人. 事实上, 根据该法, the lawyer is required to send written notice to the missing client “not more than 120 days or less than 60 days” before the transfer of the missing client’s monies to the Mayor.8

鉴于该法指示的强制性,以及该法没有对澳博app的豁免, 我们的结论是澳博app没有违反规则1.15 .如果澳博app提交了法案要求的报告,并同样将被视为遗弃的失踪客户的资金转移到市长办公室, 当款项成为应付款项或可分配款项后超过3年未被客户认领时.”9 我们的结论是有限的,并取决于我们对该法案的明确语言的阅读. 我们的意思并不是要剥夺澳博app对该法在特定情况下的适用,甚至是该法对澳博app的普遍适用性提出质疑的权利. Cf. D.C. 规则3.4(c)(如果澳博app以“基于不存在有效义务的主张而公开拒绝”的方式不遵守对法庭的义务,则不违反职业道德).

我们的结论是,澳博app有责任将失踪客户的资金转移给市长,这一结论得到了检察官的支持.C. 上诉法院最近的判决 伯格曼v. 哥伦比亚特区解析:选D.C. 《澳博app下载网》不能胜过正式颁布的法律.C. 法令,10 比如D。.C. 《澳博app》,特别是在本案中,D.C. 法律在本质上是强制性的.C. 职业责任规则对这个问题只字未提. 事实上, 我们注意到,在这种情况下,如果没有将被遗弃的财产移交给市长,可能会被处以巨额罚款,最高可达25美元,000加上被遗弃财产价值的25%.11

D.C. 规则1.6

我们注意到,该法案可能涉及D.C. 规则1.6 because the requirement to transfer a missing client’s funds to the Mayor’s office 和 provide identifying information for same involves disclosure of the client’s identity.12 当然,规则1.6(e)(2)(A)包含法律要求披露的例外情况. 在D项下需要提供信息的事项.C. 代码41 - 117, 澳博app应小心翼翼地以这样一种方式编写披露,以尽量减少对规则1的披露.6信息.13

* * *

最后, we note the possibility that the missing client might have been a minor at the time of the representation 和 that he or she might not learn of the trust account monies until reaching the age of majority. 根据规则1.14关于容量减少的客户(在这里), 按年龄), the lawyer should consider moving the relevant court for a protective order authorizing the continued safekeeping of the missing client’s trust account monies until three years after the client has reached the age of majority, 根据该法案认定财产被遗弃的三年期限.


拥有客户资金(或其他无形个人财产)的澳博app, 其最后已知地址在哥伦比亚特区(或澳博app在哥伦比亚特区的住所), 是否必须尽一切合理的努力来找到上面特别描述的客户. 因此,这并不违反D.C. 职业行为准则 for a lawyer in such circumstances to report to the Mayor 和 transfer client funds that are deemed to be ab和oned as required by the D.C. 无人认领物权法.



1. 规则1.15(d) addresses the situation when a lawyer is in possession of property in which an interest is claimed by “two or more persons to each of whom the lawyer may have an obligation.“委员会在《澳博app下载网》中澄清,规则1规定的义务.15(d) arises when a third party has a “just claim” to the property that the lawyer has a duty under applicable law to protect against wrongful interference by the lawyer’s client. 在这种情况下,根据规则1.15(d), 有争议的资金必须由澳博app分开保管,直到“对财产的利益进行清算和分割”.”
  委员会怀疑规则1.15(d)与目前的调查有关. 首先, the lawyer here is not protecting the funds from wrongful interference of the client; indeed, 地区利益仅在客户缺席的情况下产生. 值得注意的是,地区所要求的利息是“托管人”之一,而不是债权人. 将物业交予香港特别行政区并不会从根本上损害客户的利益, 即使多年以后, 根据该法, 是否可以向该区收回物业,而该区在法律上确实有义务归还这笔款项. 因此,澳博app对委托人的忠诚义务不会因遵守该法的指示而受到损害. 这种义务是规则1的基本原理.15(d)指示澳博app仅“保存”有争议的资金,不得单方面承担对客户与第三方之间的“争议进行仲裁”. (见维.C. 狮子座293). 即使规则1.15(d)人适用, 该法案“通过法律的实施”,通过认为该财产“被推定放弃”,构成了对该财产利益的分离.“我们认为,澳博app遵守该法案并没有违反道德. 最后重要的是承认作为失踪客户资金的保管人, 澳博app根据法律规定,有效地将其保护该财产的受托义务转移给区.
2. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-103(a). 第41-103条就其条款而言,适用于无形财产. 虽然法案的标题是"无人认领的财产,,它的“目的”部分提到了“个人财产”,而不仅仅是“无形的个人财产”. 41-101), 它的报告部分提到了“财产”, 有形的或无形的, 推定放弃”(第2节). 41-117), 所谓“有形”财产似乎只限于存放在保险箱或其他“保管库”内的财产.强调该法案对无形财产的关注, 其“定义”部分将“财产”定义为“无形财产的利益或权利”.”(秒. 41-102(16A))
  D.C. 法律伦理意见283, "处理已关闭的客户文件,在如何处理有形财产的问题上,应征询公众的意见, 比如客户端文件, 在类似情况下. 第283号意见指出,澳博app可以对无人认领的财产援引州法律程序, 在适用情况下, 但他也指出,“这些程序的可用性是州法律的问题.“就像无形财产一样, 澳博app需要自行确定在何种情况下有形财产受一个或多个司法管辖区的无人认领物权法管辖.
3. “住所”的定义见D.C.《澳博app下载网》作为个人的主要营业地点. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-102(6)(B). 因此,这里可能涉及法律选择问题. 委员会注意到,大多数司法管辖区都有无人认领财产法,澳博app将希望检查其司法管辖区的行为.
4. 看到维.C. 代码证交会. 41-104. 澳博app应该意识到,如果无形财产所有者的最后已知地址在另一个州,也有无人认领财产法, 那么该州的无人认领财产法案就适用了. 看到维.C. 法典第41-104(4)条.
5. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-117(a).
6. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-117(e)(1).
7. D.C. 规则1.16(d).
8. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-117(e)(1). 市长有义务“在连续两周内,每周至少一次在该区的一般发行报纸上刊登公告”,” D.C. 代码证交会. 41-118(a), 和, 如果被遗弃财产的价值超过50美元, to “mail a notice to each person having an address listed who appears to be entitled to property of a value of $50 or more presumed ab和oned under this chapter.” D.C. 代码证交会. 41-118(d).
9. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-103.
10. 986 A.2d 1208, 1230 (D.C. 2010).
11. D.C. 代码证交会. 41-135. 更具体地说, section 41-135 provides:   (a) Any person who fails to 支付 or deliver property within the time prescribed by this chapter shall be required to 支付 interest at the rate of 1½% per month or fraction of a month on the property or value of the property from the date the property should have been paid or delivered.
  (b)除非本条(c)款另有规定, 未申报的持证人, 支付, 或者在本章规定的期限内交付财产, 不履行本章规定的其他职责的, 应支付给市长, 除本条(a)款规定的利益外, 每天200美元的民事罚款, 付款, 或者拒绝交付, 或者没有履行义务, 最多不超过10美元,000.
  (c)故意不报告的持证人, 支付, 或者在本章规定的期限内交付财产, 不履行本章规定的其他职责的, 应支付给市长, 除本条(a)款规定的利益外, 每天举报1000美元的民事罚款, 付款, 或者拒绝交付, 或者没有履行义务, 最高可达25美元,000, 加上任何应该支付或交付的财产价值的25%.
12. 看到维.C. 代码证交会. 41-117.
13. 我们注意到,该法的保密条款第41-131条规定:
  Any information or records required to be furnished to the Mayor as provided in this chapter shall be confidential 和 shall not be disclosed to any person except the person who furnished the same to the Mayor 和 except as provided in sections 41-118 (notice of ab和oned property) 和 41-123 (deposit of funds) or as may be necessary in the proper administration of this chapter alone.
  根据规则1,该法案可能涉及客户保密.6 because the Act’s requirement to transfer a missing client’s funds to the Mayor’s office 和 provide identifying information for same involves disclosure of the client’s identity. We recognize that there are situations in which the client’s name 和/or the fact that the client consulted a particular attorney could be a client confidence. 看,e.g. D.C. 法律伦理课. 312 (2002); Conn. 道德Op. 99–35 (1999) (lawyer participating in referral program that offers services to bankruptcy clients 和 支付s lawyer for each referral must obtain client consent before disclosing client’s name to program); Ill. 道德Op. 97-1(澳博app只有在客户同意的情况下才能向银行提供潜在客户的姓名).
  规则1.6(e)在法律要求时允许披露机密信息. 在这种情况下,披露客户的姓名是允许的,因为这是该法的要求. (如果适用另一个州的无人认领财产法案,我们的结论可能会有所不同.不过), 澳博app可考虑告知其委托人,当澳博app必须向市长办公室报告时,他或她的身份可能会被泄露.
