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规则3.3 .对法庭坦诚

       (一)向法庭陈述虚假事实或者法律的,或者对澳博app先前向法庭陈述的重大事实或者法律的虚假陈述不予改正的, unless correction would require disclosure of information that is prohibited by 规则1.6;
       (2) Counsel or assist a client to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent, 但是,澳博app可以与客户讨论任何拟议的行为过程的法律后果,并可以为客户提供咨询或协助客户作出善意的努力来确定其有效性, 范围, 意义, 法律的适用;
       (3) Fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction not disclosed by opposing counsel and known to the lawyer to be dispositive of a question at issue and directly adverse to the position of the client; or
       (4) Offer evidence 澳博app知道这是假的, except as provided in paragraph (b). 澳博app可以拒绝提供证据, 除了刑事案件中被告的证词, 澳博app有理由相信是错误的.

   (b)打算提供澳博app知道是假的证据的证人是澳博app的客户,并且是刑事案件中的被告, the lawyer shall first make a good-faith effort to dissuade the client from presenting the false evidence; if the lawyer is unable to dissuade the client, 澳博app应请求法庭允许其退出. If the lawyer is unable to dissuade the client or to withdraw without seriously harming the client, 澳博app可以让当事人在证人席上以叙述的方式作证, but the lawyer shall not examine the client in such manner as to elicit testimony which the lawyer knows to be false, and shall not argue the probative value of the client’s testimony in closing argument.
   (c) The duties stated in paragraph (a) continue to the conclusion of the proceeding.
   (d)澳博app收到明确证实法庭发生欺诈行为的资料后,应迅速采取合理的补救措施, including disclosure to the tribunal to the extent disclosure is permitted by 规则1.6(d).


   [1]这条规则规定了向法庭坦白的义务. 见规则1.第0(l)条“法庭”的定义.该规则也适用于澳博app在根据仲裁庭的裁决权力进行的辅助诉讼中代表委托人的情况, 比如沉积. In dealing with a tribunal the lawyer is also required to comply with the general requirements of 规则1.2(e)及(f). 然而, an advocate does not vouch for the evidence submitted in a cause; the tribunal is responsible for assessing its probative value.

   [2]据称是澳博app的断言, 如在澳博app的宣誓书中或在公开法庭上的陈述中, 只有当澳博app知道该断言是正确的,或者在合理勤奋的调查基础上相信该断言是正确的,才可以恰当地提出吗. There may be circumstances where failure to make a disclosure is the equivalent of an affirmative misrepresentation. 如果澳博app知道澳博app之前向法庭所作的重要事实或法律陈述是虚假的, 澳博app有义务纠正陈述, unless correction would require a disclosure of information that is prohibited by 规则1.6. (a)(1)段中的这一规定不同于ABA示范规则3.3(a)(1), which requires a lawyer to disclose information otherwise protected by 规则1.(六)必要时纠正澳博app的虚假陈述. 规则1.D .允许澳博app泄露客户的秘密.C. 规则3.3(a)(1)要求澳博app在合理必要的范围内披露该信息,以纠正对重大事实或法律的虚假陈述. D中没有.C. 规则3.第3(a)(1)条限制规则4下的任何披露责任.(b)当实体法要求澳博app披露客户信息以避免被视为协助客户犯罪或欺诈时. 规则1规定的义务.2(e)不建议客户实施或协助客户实施欺诈适用于诉讼,但受规则3的约束.3(b)及(d). 关于遵守规则1.2(e),见对该规则的评论. 另请参阅 规则8.4.

   [3] Legal argument based on a knowingly false representation of law constitutes dishonesty toward the tribunal. 澳博app不需要对法律作出公正的解释, 但必须承认相关法律权威的存在. 此外, 如(a)(3)分段所述, 辩护人有义务直接披露对方尚未披露的、对争议问题具有决定性的控制管辖权中的不利权力. 其基本概念是,法律论证是寻求确定适当适用于案件的法律前提的讨论.

   [4] When evidence that a lawyer knows to be false is provided by a person who is not the client, 无论当事人的意愿如何,澳博app都必须拒绝提供. 这一义务的前提是澳博app作为法院工作人员有义务防止事实审判官被虚假证据误导. A lawyer does not violate this rule if the lawyer offers the evidence for the purpose of establishing its falsity.
   [5]委托人提供虚假证据的, 然而, 澳博app为客户所披露的信息保密的义务与向法庭坦白的义务之间可能会产生冲突. 认定物证不实的, the lawyer should seek to persuade the client that the evidence should not be offered or, 如果有的话, 它的虚假性质应该立即被揭露. 不管客户的意愿, 然而, a lawyer may not offer evidence of a client if the evidence is known by the lawyer to be false, except to the extent permitted by paragraph (b) where the client is a defendant in a criminal case. 澳博app不仅有义务根据(a)(4)项拒绝提供虚假证据,而且如果提供了虚假证据,也有义务根据(d)项采取合理的补救措施.
   [6] The prohibition against offering false evidence applies only if the lawyer knows that the evidence is false. A lawyer’s knowledge that evidence is false can be inferred from the circumstances. 看到 规则1.0(f). 因此, although a lawyer should resolve doubts about the veracity of testimony or other evidence in favor of the client, 澳博app不能忽视一个明显的谎言.
   [7] Although paragraph (a)(4) prohibits a lawyer from offering evidence only if the lawyer knows it to be false, it also permits the lawyer to refuse to offer testimony or other proof 澳博app有理由相信是错误的. 提供这种证据可能会对澳博app辨别证据质量的能力产生不利影响,从而损害澳博app作为辩护人的效力. 因为历史上为刑事被告提供的特殊保护, 然而, 这条规则不允许澳博app拒绝提供这种客户的证词,如果澳博app有理由相信但不知道证词将是虚假的. 除非澳博app知道证词是假的, 澳博app必须尊重当事人作证的决定.

   [8] Paragraph (d) provides that if a lawyer learns that a fraud has been perpetrated on the tribunal, 澳博app必须采取合理的补救措施. 如果澳博app的委托人与欺诈有牵连, 澳博app通常应首先要求委托人纠正欺诈行为. If the client is unwilling to do so, the lawyer should consider other remedial measures. The lawyer may not, 然而, disclose information otherwise protected by 规则1.6, unless the client has used the lawyer’s services to further a crime or fraud and disclosure is permitted by 规则1.6(d). 在其他情况下, the lawyer may learn of the client’s intention to present false evidence before the client has had a chance to do so. 在这种情况下, 第(a)(4)和(b)款禁止澳博app出示虚假证据, 除非在刑事案件中证人是被告的极少数情况下, 澳博app没能成功地阻止委托人继续诉讼, and the lawyer is unable to withdraw without causing serious harm to the client. 另外,规则1.6(c)当澳博app得知可能在法庭上发生欺诈行为时,可允许披露委托人的机密和秘密, 例如, 贿赂或恐吓证人. 规则3中使用的“刑事案件”和“刑事被告”一词.3 and its 评论 include juvenile delinquency proceedings and the person who is the subject of such proceedings.

   [9] (b)款允许澳博app允许刑事案件中的被告客户在非常有限的情况下以非常有限的方式提供虚假证词. Even in a criminal case the lawyer must seek to persuade the defendant-client to refrain from perjurious testimony. There has been dispute concerning the lawyer’s duty when that persuasion fails. Paragraph (b) requires the lawyer to withdraw rather than offer the client’s false testimony, 如果这样做不会严重伤害客户.
   [10]〔10〕对委托人造成严重损害,足以使澳博app不能回避,这比通常回避所必然造成的不便还要多, such as delay in concluding the client’s case or an increase in the costs of concluding the case. 只有在案件的特殊情况使客户受到严重损害时,才应狭义地解释该条款,以排除撤回, such as by express or implied divulgence of information otherwise protected by 规则1.6. If the confrontation with the client occurs before trial, the lawyer ordinarily can withdraw. 审判前撤回可能是不可能的, 然而, 要么是因为审判迫在眉睫, or because the confrontation with the client does not take place until the trial itself, 或者因为没有其他澳博app. In those rare circumstances in which withdrawal without such serious harm to the client is impossible, 受(b)段的限制,澳博app可继续对委托人进行审查并进行结案辩论。.

   [11]一般来说, 澳博app不得提供证言或者其他证据, 通过非客户端, 澳博app知道这是假的. 此外, a lawyer may not offer evidence of a client if the evidence is known by the lawyer to be false, except to the extent permitted by paragraph (b) where the client is a defendant in a criminal case.

   [12]需要对与诉讼有关的犯罪和欺诈行为采取合理补救措施的义务规定一个切实可行的时限. 诉讼的终结是义务终止的适当的、合理的确定点. 经上诉维持终审判决或者过了复核时间的,即为本条所指的诉讼终结. 澳博app在诉讼结束前退庭的, 澳博app的义务在回避时终止.

   [13]澳博app遵守这一规则所规定的诚实义务,可能要求其退出代理客户. 但是,规则1可能要求澳博app.16(a) to seek permission of the tribunal to withdraw if the lawyer’s compliance with this rule’s duty of candor, 或符合规则1的要求.6(c), results in the lawyer’s inability to represent the client in accordance with these 规则. 参见规则1.16(b) for the circumstances in which a lawyer will be permitted to seek a tribunal’s permission to withdraw. In connection with a request for permission to withdraw that is premised on a client’s misconduct, a lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation only to the extent permitted by 规则1.6.
